Fenny Compton
Parish Council

Home Community Groups The Church of St Peter and St Clare

The Church of St Peter and St Clare

Your Parish Church is St Peter and St Clare in Fenny Compton

On behalf of the Christian community in the parish of Avon Dassett with Fenny Compton I warmly welcome you to this page which will give you a little information about where and when we meet. I hope that in due course we will have the pleasure of meeting you in person. Many people have never been to a church, and we know it can be daunting to walk into one of our buildings. People who attend a church regularly can also feel strange going to a new church. However, whether you are new to the area or have lived here for some time; you are new to faith or have been away and are interested in coming back; or you are just wanting to explore faith and are interested to find out what it’s all about you are assured a warm welcome.

The church of St Peter & St Clare serves the parish of Avon Dassett with Fenny Compton, and is part of the Dassett Magna Group of Parishes. The Dassett Magna Group was formed in April 2007, and consists of the parishes of Farnborough and Avon Dassett with Fenny Compton, Burton Dassett (which includes Knightcote, Little Dassett, Northend and Temple Herdewyke) and Gaydon with Chadshunt.

Regular Sunday Services in Church are at 11am

1st Sunday: Morning Prayer.

2nd Sunday: Holy Communion

3rd Sunday: Morning Prayer.

4th Sunday: Traditional – language BCP Communion.

5th Sunday: Communion at 11am (in one of the Dassett Magna Churches and on Zoom.) The church services may vary or there may be additional services at Christmas, Easter, Harvest or Remembrance. Please refer to our website for any monthly alterations.

Digital Church

During COVID-19, we all struggled to keep connected. The one positive out of all this is that we at Dassett Magna created a digital church so that we could meet together socially as well as for worship using Zoom. Unfortunately, social distancing and not being able to attend church isn’t something that only applies during pandemics. There are various reasons why people aren’t able to attend church in person and due to the success of our Zoom Digital Church we have added it to our regular service pattern.

Midweek services on Zoom

9.30am Monday to Friday: Morning Prayer Click here to connect Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84186737987?pwd=endRZlFPcFBKa0NheGk0aTFTQVBwQT09

6pm Monday to Friday: Evening Prayer Click here to connect Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87175428758?pwd=ZkVWUEZjanZuV1FMWG83Y0tldmcxdz09

Sunday Services on Zoom

Every Sunday at 11am Click here to connect Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84186737987?pwd=endRZlFPcFBKa0NheGk0aTFTQVBwQT09

1st & 3rd Sunday at 6pm Songs of Praise Click here to connect Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87175428758?pwd=ZkVWUEZjanZuV1FMWG83Y0tldmcxdz09

Christenings, Weddings and Funerals

We’re here and count it a privilege to be a part of the significant events in people’s lives, to mark the important moments in your family’s life with a service. We can conduct baptism (christening), wedding, funeral ceremonies and other significant events – do get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.

For further information please visit one of our our group websites Link – http://www.dassettmagna.org.uk Or Link – http://www.burtondassettchurch.uk

or contact Reverend Nicki on email: chat2rev.nicki@gmail.com Tel. 07769871237