In this section
- Abacus Pre-School Nursery
- Aqueous
- The Dassett Church of England Primary School
- The Friends of the Dassett School
- The Compton Chronicle
- Fenny Compton Allotments Association
- Fenny Compton Over 60’s Club
- Fenny Compton Bowling Club
- Fenny Compton Tots and Toddler Group
- The Church of St Peter and St Clare
- Just a Bite Lunches
- Fenny Compton Village Hall
- Fenny Compton Footpath Group
- Village Violin School
- Fenny Compton Scout Group
- Fenny Compton WI
- Fenny Compton Colts Football Club

Just a Bite Lunches
Light Lunches are served in Fenny Compton Village Hall from 12noon to 2pm on the last Monday of each month.
For a small charge, a meal of home-made soup, roll and cheese is provided. Coffee, tea and home-made cakes are also available. All proceeds are shared between the Church and the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to these enjoyable social events.